A personal development process that makes use of a professional methodology
to set goals in a clear way in order to achieve a purpose.

Established in 1991, the institution provides Counseling by Villagra Gestão Empresarial, Pricing by Villagra Pricing and Coaching by Villagra Coaching.

The group is composed of associated consultants and partner companies in their complementary areas, acting in all fields of the private economy, industry, retail and services, providing a wide understanding about the relations between economic agents.

Villagra has a portfolio with approximately 200 clients from different sizes and levels of business growth. It acts in Brazil and in Portugal and deals with behavioral technical variables that determine the success, valuing matters related to organizational and personal change. The Company focuses on practical actions and tries to maintain the balance between the client’s current needs and proper technology.


Villagra has a portfolio with approximately 200 clients from different sizes and levels of business growth. It acts in Brazil and in Portugal and deals with behavioral technical variables that determine the success, valuing matters related to organizational and personal change. The Company focuses on practical actions and tries to maintain the balance between the client’s current needs and proper technology.

It is also member of the Professional Pricing Society, an international institution that gathers the most relevant experts in pricing.

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Profile: Marta Villagra

Ambient Villagra Coaching